Rodeo photos for PeTA to cry over.
Albert Rasch, at The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles, found two websites that were stealing content from OBS members. He has also posted a couple of articles on PeTA. (One of them is here.)

Dead elk for PeTA to cry over. I kind of like steak!
I am member of Blog Catalog and get a few referrals from them.
Today, I received my outdoor blogger's glitch. In my email were two messages that said my blogs had been declined by BlogCatalog because of various possible issues. I sent emails and started a discussion on their forum. A fellow who goes by the handle, Jaybetee, does some admin work at BC. He tracked down the problem. His response is found in the jpeg.
In case you can't read it, he said, "It looks as though PETA hacked our servers and took down anything related to rodeos or hunting.
They're back."

Since I put up a photo post on the Augusta Rodeo yesterday, I have been double hit. I like rodeos and hunting. I am not sure why they attacked my political blog. It has nothing on it about hunting or rodeos. Association maybe.

Luckily, I found this quote today. It fits perfectly.
PeTA, they don't just hate animals, they hate people who love animals.
Dennis A. Carroll, 30 June 2009
why can't you just get steak at the store, without hurting those wild animals....LOL just kidding, I like real meat also. Permits should be out in a few weeks
I honestly don't understand some people. I've been reading on several other blogs some interesting discussions, which have been very respectful and thought provoking. I'm proud of our hunting community and their responses. It really seems the anti-hunters are on a mission lately.
All I'm going to say is, "God is great. Beer is good. And people are Crazy!"
Have you participated in rodeos?
It seems that the liberal Democrats and their left-wing organizations stand for something other than free-speech and other Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms.
Keep up the good work and we need to all stick together.
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