Unit 390 to Close for Wolf Hunting
The quota of 18 wolves has been reached in Wolf Management Unit 390. It should close on the evening of 16 November. The closure will eliminate about a third of the state of Montana from wolf hunting.
The quota for all of Montana was set at 220, and so far, 76 have been taken.
Previously, on 10-6-11, Subunit 313/316 was closed.
If you are an elk hunter, it is your duty to engage this hunt. Elk hunters that have bought elk licenses over the years, or even bought guns, ammunition, or archery equipment have "equity" in the elk herds that are being thinned by wolves that most elk hunters didn't want to pay for. Do YOUR duty!
He looks so much better with the crosshairs. |
Stats of the wolf hunt can be found at
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, Wolf Guide.