Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Good Company

A Break from the Cold.

The sun at 2 pm on the Teton River Valley doesn't have much heat yet.
After nearly a month of calving cows during this winter's frigid grip, I have returned home for a chance to sit by the fire, have some coffee and surf the net.  In my email was a note from Ed Overton of Engineering Degree Online.  He sent me a link to his latest post, Bringing Home a Buck: The Top 50 Deer Hunting Blogs.  Hip, Hip, Hooray.  I made the list!

Normally I wouldn't include such links in on my blog, but in this case I have made an exception.

The exception was made because many of the blogs that I consider great reading were also on the list--greatly elevating my status!!!!

The blogs that are most noteworthy and that I read regularly--when I am around a computer and the internet are:

I feel humbled to be in such great company.

Oh, I cannot forget another great blog that has made the grade, Deer Passion.  Her most recent post celebrates her daughter's first birthday.  Happy Birthday!  


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